It’s time to cast a line!
Fishing in Pomorskie, fot. PROT
Fishing since many centuries is a favourite hobby of millions of Polish, and there are many reasons for that; let’s mention a few the most important and the most obvious ones.
First of all, it’s difficult to find a more relaxing form of activity – fishing is a communion with nature on the joint of two of its kingdoms – land and water; it perfectly teaches persistence, diligence and humility towards nature. What is more, it is connected with a soul soothing silence and serenity, that is values which are more and more difficult to find in today’s world. At the same time, it allows to feel emotions, adrenaline and unique satisfaction when a dreamed species finally catches the bait that we released into water. And finally, a prime reason – there is not many lands so encouraging of this form of recreation as is Poland. Whereas Pomorze, with its numerous densely fished reservoirs, constitutes a special area on the fishing map.
Regular fishers don’t need convincing about the attractiveness of local fisheries, in turn, visiting this area guests with passion for fishing should absolutely experience it personally, by visiting with a fishing rod one of the water reservoirs. Picturesque surroundings, prevailing peace and diversity of species found in waters, are the biggest assets of pomorskie reservoirs. Amateurs of various types of fishing will find their place here. It is worth to emphasize that the best places to bait the hook are perfectly incorporated into areas, of which touristic-sightseeing assets don’t end with generous fisheries.
Fishing in Pomorskie, fot.
Going fishing can be a valued element of a comprehensive exploration of Pomorze, for example of full of interesting places Pojezierze Kaszubskie [Kashubian Lake District]. Catching a grand pike or perch can be a nice (and delicious) cherry on the top of rich in attractions holiday trip.
Let’s make use of the richness of pomorskie lakes, rivers and other reservoirs. And an important note here: don’t forget about taking with you a photography equipment to perpetuate your fishing trophies! Because we can surely count on impressive trophies here.