Where to hunt: treasures of the Pomorskie Region’s forest districts

Hunting is one of the elements of forest management which, in the majority of the Pomorskie Voivodeship (province), is supervised by the Regionalna Dyrekcja Lasów Państwowych [RDLP; the Regional Directorate of State Forests] in Gdańsk. This authority also includes, in its range, the forests of the western side of the Warmińsko-Mazurskie Voivodeship. Nine so-called breeding regions, which have been created for perennial plans, constitute the area of activity of the RDLP in Gdańsk. Hunting is currently operated in 227 game shooting districts. The advantages, in the context of hunting tourism, may best be considered by looking at areas on the scale of forest districts, of which five can show conditions which are worthy of merit when organizing hunts.


Kwidzyn Forest District

The hunting heart of the Kwidzyn Forest District is a picturesque complex called Ośrodek Hodowli Zwierząt Wydry [the “Otters” Animal Breeding Centre]. With an area of almost 14 thousand hectares (including almost 7.5 thousand hectares of forest), as well as a wide range of game species living freely, it constitutes one of the most valued places on the hunting map of Poland. In the forests of OHZ Wydry you can find deer, roe deer and boar, and since recently you can also meet moose or wolves. When it comes to small game, hares, pheasants, partridges, foxes, badgers and martens are numerous. Local reservoirs constitute a habitat for aquatic birds. An element of the dynamically run forest management of OHZ Wydry is organization of hunts. Hunters from all around Poland and abroad can count on exemplary setting of hunts, in harmony with all the elements of hunting traditions. Hunting lodges at Wydry ensure perfect conditions for rest before and after a solid dose of adrenaline on a hunt. Overnight stays are available both for individuals and groups up to 14 people. For the people managing the centre, it is not a problem to organize a Christmas Eve party, a New Year party or traditional drag hunting.


Contact us

Wydry 2, 82 – 400 Sztum

phone: +48 600 385 091

e-mail: zwjagoda@gazeta.pl



Lubichowo Forest District

You don’t have to convince anyone who has visited the Bory Tucholskie about the natural advantages of the place. It is one of the biggest and densest complex of pine forests in Poland, while at the same time being a home for a lot of hunting quarry. 9 game shooting districts operate within this 46 865 ha forest. Deer, fallow deer, roe deer and boar are examples of the numerous big game here, and they are supplemented by small species like fox, badger, marten, polecat, hare, rabbit, woodcocks, ringdoves, partridges, coots and wild ducks. The number of game animals – especially deer during the rut season – allow for organization of spectacular collective hunting, however on hunts you can also set out individually. The hunting grounds of Lubichowo Forest District include vast forest areas with meadows and fields, as well as hunting acres. A high number of comfortable high seats, and also options for driven hunting and still-hunting, contribute to the good hunting conditions contribute. Foresters ensure organization of events according to good hunting practice. A special attraction for hunters is the Ośrodek Hodowli Zwierzyny Czarne [the “Czarne” Animal Breeding Centre]. This is an area of about 10.5 thousand hectares through which the rivers Brda, Czernica and Biała flow. In Rzeczenica, you can find a cosy hunting lodging with 36 accommodation places in comfortably equipped rooms for 1 2, 3 or 4 people. It constitutes a perfect starting point for hunting for big game, which is numerous here.


Contact us

Forester’s lodge

Czarne 1, 83-220 Skórcz

phone: + 48 58 582 47 62

e-mail: kontakt@kwateraczarne.pl


Hunting issues:

phone: + 48 58  588 58 80

e-mail: lubichowo@gdansk.lasy.gov.pl


Wejherowo Forest District

The Wejherowo area is a hunting treasure, with amazingly rich forest fauna and numerous big game. According to foresters’ estimates, the number of deer reaches up to around 540, fallow deer up to 20, roe deer up to 1140, and boar up to 530. Species of small game present on the territory of the forest district include foxes, hares, martens, badgers, raccoon dogs, polecats, muskrats, American minks, partridges and hazel grouses. A place worthy of recommendation to hunting amateurs is the charming Leśniczówka Sobieńczyce [Sobieńczyce Forester’s Lodge], which is located on the edge of the Puszcza Darżlubska [Darżlubska Wilderness] and has 11 accommodation places and delicious cuisine that makes use of everything that’s best on the local grounds – including the game. During their stay, guests have an opportunity to get to know the tastes of the surrounding terrain, including game delicacies. The traditional design of the place, as well as its green surroundings, also help guests to relax.


Contact us

Agnieszka Podbielska

phone: + 48 58 672 98 01



Starogard Forest District

Around 100 deer, more than 100 fallow deer, and almost 4.5 thousand roe deer are the estimated numbers of big game in the Starogard Forest District. In Kociewie, the name of the area around here, systematic growth of deer populations has been observed for a few years, and you can also add numerous boar – according to estimates, almost 1.5 thousand – to the big game count. These numbers constitute the perfect recommendation for hunters looking for proper conditions to hunt. Other species here include moose, as well as small game like foxes, hares, pheasants, partridges, badgers and martens.


Elbląg Forest District

Hunting amateurs who are looking for a extraordinarily located place to hunt should be interested in the hunting grounds of the Elbląg Forest District, which is located on a narrow passage of land, overgrown with pines, along the Mierzeja Wiślana [Vistula Spit]. The specific structure of the ground in this area, and vegetation with characteristic passages of reeds, allow for the existence of a refugium for both big (fallow deer, boar, roe deer) and small game (fox, raccoon dog, badger, wild birds).

On the shore of Zalew Wiślany [the Vistula Lagon] and only 1 kilometre from the Baltic Sea, you can find the leśniczówka łowiecka Krynica Morska [foresters’ hunting lodge in Krynica Morska], which organizes individual and collective hunts. In the lodge there are also three bedrooms with bathrooms. Great natural and sightseeing conditions are helpful not only when hunting, but also when relaxing in the bosom of nature.


Person to contact in relation to hunts:

Krzysztof Utrysko

phone: +48 55 230 85 49, +48 698 666 367

e-mail: krzysztof.utrysko@gdansk.lasy.gov.pl

Guest rooms booking:

phone: +48 798 354 800


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