The Wda canoe trail

The Krzywe Koło nature reserve in the Wda Loop particularly catches the eye of the tourist, with its numerous ancient oaks, maples, lindens, and beeches. Most of the trail runs through the Wda Landscape Park created for the purpose of protecting the pristine nature of the river.

On the trail you can often encounter beavers (in the Wda Mill), roe, grey herons, buzzards, and other animals.

The river, starting its course in the Charzykowska Plain, is characterised by numerous meanders and bends along its entire length. The Wda is 239 km long (the trail – 195 km). It flows out of Lake Krążno, meanders through the Tuchola Forest and the Świecka High Plain, and flows into the Vistula in Świecie.

Almost along its entire length, except for its upper course, the Wda causes little trouble and is fine for family canoeing, with easily-avoidable obstacles and a limited number of portages. Only the enormous Lake Wdzydze, which may be rough in bad weather, and the barrages in the lower course, may make the trip difficult.

The Wda meanders beautifully among the forests, forming bends and frequently changing its direction. It is suitable for trips even during the dry season, as the problem of too-low a water level is not encountered here.

The upper course of the river is rather unpredictable and unsuitable for family trips. It is a section for people who love challenges. Most trips start in Lipusz and end in Tleń – the so-called “basic” trail on the Wda.

The section from Lipusz to Wdzydze is charming, with the river meandering among fields and meadows. This section flows into the Wdzydze Landscape Park. The course to Wdzydze is very calm, making it perfect for a family trip.


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