The Palace and Park Complex in Damnica

The palace is the foremost among the handsomest constructions in the district. It was made of bricks and topped with a partly-pyramidal and partly-mansard roof with dormers. The palace was built on a plan of two adjoining rectangles. It forms an interesting mass with an array of bay windows, a richly-ornamented facade and an inviting terrace with a balustrade and a descent leading to the park from the west. This is a two-storey building with hospitality suites on the ground floor and residential rooms on the first floor.

Many of the original interior furnishings have survived into modern times. The ballroom on the ground floor maintained its coffering filled with decorative fabric in gold and green, as well as a plafond presenting an allegory of the seasons by M. Gartner. The walls between the coffering retained crystal mirrors and flower-shaped wall lights. The ballroom used to be connected to the former palm house, with floor and walls fitted with marble. In some palace rooms you can still find wooden coffer ceilings, and Renaissance-Revival fireplaces, and the main hallway shows wooden decor with a chandelier in the shape of a sailing ship. One of the palace’s interiors has been given a hunter’s hut character with its walls ornamented with murals by M. Gartner, containing references to hunting.

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