The whole route leads along excellent quality dirt roads and forest roads. Initially the route overlaps the yellow and the green route. On this section, which leads along a pleasant forest road we come across a pulse measuring point and exercise boards. At a routes junction we turn right and after 200m, along a fence and a narrow road we go round a tree-covered ridge. By a small bridge we enter a forest road. The black route joins our route on the left. By now we have walked 2,7km. Along the edge of the forest we reach an exercise board near buildings. Having done the exercises we walk ahead towards a tarmac road visible in the distance. 20m before the road we turn left into an inconspicuous path, which soon turns into a clearly visible road. We walk through the forest for over a kilometer and we leave it after 4,3km from the beginning of the walk. The black route turns right towards Góra Pomorska visible in the distance. We turn into the opposite direction by a pulse measuring point which is located here. We cross a vast clearing with a power line in the middle of it. After 5,1km from the beginning of the route we come to the point where 3 routes meet. After a short walk trough the forest we come to another clearing and we go round it along the forest edge on the right. After 400m the green route and the black route turn into the forest and we continue walking along its edge for 200m and than also go into the forest. The next 700m is a beautiful descent. After reaching the foot of the hill we walk on for 500m and leave the forest. After 600m we reach the end of the walk.