2. Trzebno trail
3. Goręczyno
4. Somonino
5. Kiełpino
6. Rezerwat Jar Rzeki Raduni
7. Rutki
8. Żukowo
9. Niestępowo
Recommended rally sections:
1. KółkoRaduńskie (Stężyca-Ostrzyce) 25 km
2. Ostrzyce – Kiełpino 13 km
3. Kiełpino – Żukowo (Jar Raduni) 17 km
4. Żukowo – Niestępowo ok 9 km (the Szlak Raduni trail goes further, as far as to Gdańsk)
Obstructions along the trail:
– The bridge over the Brodnica Górna – Szymbark road with a movable weir – necessity of carrying canoes over the distance of 20 m along the right-hand bank
– The outflow from the Trzebno lake- a weir – carrying canoes over the distance of 15 m along the left-hand bank
– Kiełpino- a small low bridge, carrying canoes over the distance of 5 m along left-hand bank
– The Jar Rzeki Raduni nature reserve- rapid current of the river, rocks, river curves, and a significant number of fallen tree trunks
– The Dam of the Rutki Power Station- carrying canoes over the distance of 250 m along the left-hand bank
Mainly fairly easy water trail, onerous necessity to carrying the canoes, the section in the Radunia River Ravine- especially difficult, available only to experienced canoeists