The Castle Museum in Kwidzyn

It was founded after 1950, following the completion of the necessary renovations. The Castle has rich and particularly interesting museum collections representing the material culture of Lower Powiśle (covering the land of Kwidzyn, Sucha and Sztum). The museum exhibitions are divided into several sections: historic, weaponry and nature, ethnographic and artistic craft. The historical collections are very interesting, as they include an exhibition of the medieval torture devices, which are both interesting and scary to children thanks to their interesting names, such as the Spanish violin, Spanish coat, marten and executioner’s stump and axe. Another curious object is “Jurand’s closet”, a chamber of torture which played a role in the movie “Krzyżacy”. The oldest souvenir in the weapons collection is the Teutonic Knights’ bombard from the beginning of the 15th Century. The environmental exhibition takes up a lot of space in the museum and contains rare species of birds, such as the woodgrouse, great bustard and the night heron. It includes animals from northern Poland and exotic animals, such as the bison and the Tibetan yak. There is also an exhibition of skeletons (which includes a mammoth’s tooth), a great attraction for children. The ethnographic collection contains an interesting collection of polychromic furniture, ceramic collections, collections of coffers, wardrobes, etc. The department of artistic craft presents furniture made in the Elbląg workshops and sacral sculptures from the 15th – 18th Centuries. The visitors can also stay at the Castle for the night, while newlyweds can have a photo session, which greatly benefits from the scenery of the 14th Century Castle.

Autor: LOT Liwa

Foto: R. Baranowski – Dep. TUrystyki UMWP

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