The Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ in Borzytuchom

A non-standard urban arrangement is characteristic of this village. In part, it is an example of a Slavic circuitous village, but its area around the church has a multi-way character.

In the 18th Century, there were two churches in Borzytuchom – Protestant and Catholic. The present-day church comes from 1804. It was built for the Lutherans inhabiting this area. The furnishings of this half-timbered church date back to the post-war times.

North of the village, on Lake Diabelskie (Devilish), there is a the “Borzytuchom Settlement” nature path, presenting the natural values of this picturesque part of Kaszuby Bytowskie. In the reserve there are, i.a., over 200-year-old beech trees.

Autor: J.Musioł, LOT Kaszuby Bytowskie

Foto: M.Bieliński, Dep. Turystyki, UMWP

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