The Church of St. Jadwiga Queen of Poland in Kmiecin

The settlement was frequently devatated during the Thirteen Years’ War and the Swedish Wars, and ravaged by floods and droughts.

To this day, a Gothic church from 1344 has survived in Kmiecin and is considered one of the most interesting religious monuments in Żuławy. Its unparalleled architecture, rectangular brick nave with a richly-divided apex and a wooden tower from 1697 erected on a quadrangular plan, and crowned with an octagonal starling and spire, make this structure stand out among other temples in Żuławy. The distinctive part of the church, particularly tower, are the low arcades around the tower, which resemble the “soboty” (“Saturday”) arcades from the Podkarpackie region. Before the church there is an entrance gate from 1786, which was moved here from the village of Jesionno.

The church in Kmiecin is currently a museum presenting a regional exhibition depicting the vicissitudes and legacy of Żuławy.

Foto: M.Bieliński, Dep. Turystyki, UMWP

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