The Wieprza Route – where the world ends and a paradise begins

On this route, wild forest animals and rare bird species are very often encountered. In its upper course, the river enters numerous forested ravines. The route features historic hydroelectric plants. Its swift current, numerous rapids and trees in its bed give the river a mountain-stream-like character. This route is therefore recommended for particularly experienced canoeists. The upper part of the route (above the mouth of the Pokrzywna) also features long rapids which exude the extraordinary atmosphere of the woodlands through which the river flows.

The middle course (from the Korzybie village) and the lower courses of this river are calmer and gentler, which make them suitable for beginner canoeists and families with children. Here, the forest landscape is replaced with vast stretches of fields and meadows. Moreover, the direct estuary to the Baltic Sea provides an opportunity to conclude the trip on the beach in Darłówek. Two of the Wieprza’s tributaries are worth exploring – the wild, swift and the adrenaline-pumping Studnica with its numerous obstacles and which is fit only for single canoes, and its gentler sister, the charming Pokrzywna, where canoeing trips on the Wieprza Route often start.

The Wieprza and Pokrzywna Route: 109 km

The recommended route: Trzebielino (Glewnik) – Darłówko

Number of days: 7

Difficulty: upper course – hard,; middle and lower course – easy

Number of portages: 5

Tributaries: the Studnica (route: 36 km/2 days/hard), the Pokrzywna (route: 14 km/1 day/medium)


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