The Annunciation of the Holiest Virgin Mary Church in Chojnice

The building of the former Jesuit College adjoins the church. After the termination of the Jesuit order in 1773, the college was transformed into a middle school; today, it is the home of a High School. According to tradition, which has been preserved to this day, the students enter the temple both before and after their studies.

The three-aisle church was built on a rectangular plane. The side aisles were made from the chapels, while the entire shape is completed with a two-hundred-year-old facade. The interior of the church is preserved in late-Baroque style, with beautiful polychromes created by Franciszek Ksawery Haefflich. When the temple was occupied by Protestants, the frescos decorating the interior were covered with paint. They were revealed once again in 1970. The main theme of the church’s decoration is composed of saints and scenes from the life of the Holiest Virgin Mary. The beautifully-decorated, multicoloured, marbleised altar, which is combined into one composition with the portals to the south porch and vestry, makes a great impression on entering the church. Its central part hosts the painting of the Mother and Infant Jesus and John the Baptist, while the entire altar is surrounded with sculptures of angels.

The four side, late-Baroque altars made of multicoloured stucco are worthy of attention. The altars in the eastern part present St. Ignatius Loyola, who is holding a book made from silver, while the top presents the oval image of St. Francis with a silver halo. The second altar, from the east side, presents the painting of “The Vision of St. Stanislaus Kostka” and St. Aloysius Gonzaga. The west altars of the temple compose an area dedicated to St. Joseph. The top presents the scene of Christ’s visit of Maria and Martha and a sculpture of St. John of Nepomuk, accompanied by the painting of St. Judas Thaddaeus.

The Rococo pulpit was probably founded by Krzysztof Nataniel Wolf, the general physician of the Polish army and the court physician of the Czartoryski family. This is indicated by the Wolf coat of arms on the bowl of the pulpit.

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